Coronavirus Update – In Person Events Canceled

Coronavirus Update – In Person Events Canceled

Dear First Church Family,

The current coronavirus pandemic continues to impact daily life in numerous ways. Based on new guidelines issued by the federal government, we are canceling all in-person gatherings including worship services effective immediately through April 1st. We will reassess things at that time. Worship will be conducted online via Facebook live for the next two Sundays, March 22 and 29. Sunday School and Wednesday Bible Study will be conducted online, also. If you would like to join us, please email the church for an invitation to these online meetings.

During this challenging time, let us remember the words of our Lord, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27.  Navigating the possibilities of potential lost income, diminished contact with friends, and contracting a serious illness is stressful and frightening. When those thoughts and feelings come, hold on to Christ. Trust His promises, and seek His presence. True peace of mind is not the product of our daily circumstances. Peace flows from a relationship with Him, which leads to confidence in God’s love, grace, and power. The presence of a challenge is not the same as the absence of God. Trust that God is with us and will see us through this. 

Please call or email the church if you need access to the church pantry or any other assistance.