Archive July 14, 2020

We Are Worshipping In-Person Again!

We are thrilled to share that First Church is worshipping in-person again. Our services are also available online via Facebook Live. There are several new procedures in place to keep everyone as safe as possible and combat the spread of COVID 19.

Please note the changes below:

  • We strongly encourage everyone in a high-risk population to continue worshiping with us online. While we would love to see you in person, please make the best decision for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Everyone must enter through the parking lot door. No other doors will be open for entry.
  • Everyone must have a mask or an appropriate facial covering. If you need a mask, we will have some available. The mask is to be worn at all times while in the church.
  • Everyone must have their temperature checked and sanitize their hands before entering the building. 
  • Once inside, members of the same household may sit together. People may only sit in designated pews and areas. The available spaces are marked so that we can maintain social distancing in the sanctuary. 

 The Leadership Team and some of our sisters and brothers have taken extraordinary measures to help clean, disinfect, and ventilate the church so that we can begin worshipping together again. It is critically important that we follow these guidelines to keep each other safe. If you have questions, feel free to message, email, or call the church.

Join us for worship this Sunday!