Archive February 28, 2021

Worship with Us this morning

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Betrayal is a hard word. None of us sees ourselves as capable of doing it to someone at all much less to someone we would claim to love. Yet in this room on this night Jesus lets those he’s the closest to know that one of them is about to betray. Have you thought about what it would take to betray Jesus? We can often point to Judas And see him as the villain of the story. We can even look at Peter and see his denials as a sign of weakness, but what about the ways we fail to live up to our faith? how we keep our promises show our devotion and walk in the way of Jesus. Join us online here at Facebook Live at 11:00 for worship as we discuss “In The Room Where It Happened – He Understands Our Betrayal.”

Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “It is a blessing to be in the room with Jesus.”
• Today’s songs are “Lord I Lift Your Name on High” and “What Wondrous Love Is This” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is, “John 13:18-30;36-38.”
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.
We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!

COVID Vaccinations Available in Our Area

Beginning March 3 Covid-19 vaccines will be available at the Delavan Grider Community Center (877 East Delavan) to folks living in the following zip codes: 14213, 14222, 14209, 14201, 14208, 14211, 14215, 14214, 14204, 14212. After the first week, all county residents eligible to receive vaccines will be permitted to schedule an appointment at this site. Take advantage of the opportunity to get in early.
Use this link to determine if you are eligible and to set an appointment:


Food Pantry Open Today – February 23

The First Church Food Pantry will be open today from 3:00 – 5:00. Please use the parking lot entrance. Anyone wishing to enter the building to use the pantry must comply with our COVID rules. A bag can be brought to the door if you prefer. Deliveries can be arranged if needed. Please message the church directly if necessary.


Worship With Us This Morning – February 21

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Today is the first Sunday in Lent. We come to this season seeking to move forward in our faith. Whether it’s a sacrifice of something so that we can focus more on God or it’s starting something new so that we can live more like Jesus, we have an opportunity to growing in faith this season. This morning we are starting a new sermon series called, In the Room Where It Happened. This series focuses on Jesus’ teachings while He spent his final night with the disciples before His crucifixion. On that Holy Thursday, Jesus offered some powerful lessons that help us live and love more like He did. Today, we focus on Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. Join us as we join them “In the Room Where It Happened.” Click here to see the livestream.
Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “It is a blessing to be in the room with Jesus.”
• Today’s songs are “Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days” and “Have Thine Own Way.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is, “John 13:1-17.”
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.
We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!

Join our Ash Wednesday Service Tonight

Ash Wednesday Service – Tonight at 6:30

Today is Ash Wednesday, the day that begins the season of Lent. People mark these days before Easter with reflection and sacrifice. This tradition honors Jesus’ time in the wilderness being tempted by the devil. In later years, it served as a period when candidates prepared for baptism on Easter Sunday. Tonight, we hope that you’ll join us for our Ash Wednesday service on Facebook Live at 6:30 as our church family of faith enters into this holy season.

We’ll be holding our regular Wednesday night Bible Study immediately after the service (starting around 7:30). Message or call the church if you’d the link to join us for a great time of friendship and faith as we study Jesus’ time in the wilderness in the scriptures.

Worship with Us this Sunday, February 14

February 14 – Do You Want this Smoke?

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Many people want to have a sign or a revelation from God. Indeed, God breaking into our lives in an extraordinary way is a blessing. However, have we thought about what God expects when God makes Himself known in such moments? As we study the Transfiguration story this morning, we see what could happen if we have an encounter with God. Do we get the message that God is sending, or do we miss the point? Join us online here at Facebook Live at 11:00 for worship as we discuss “Do You Want this Smoke.”


Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Jesus is God’s beloved Son. We will listen to Him.”
• Today’s songs are “To God Be the Glory,” and “I Surrender All” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is, “Mark 9:2-9.”
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

Worship with us today – February 7

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! In our busy, stressful world, how do you renew yourself? Our culture celebrates people to work hard and play hard, even to excess. The Bible also holds up the virtues of hard work and good fun, but the Bible also teaches the importance of Sabbath. What do times of Sabbath and renewal mean for you? This week, we’re looking at why times to renew our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls are important. Join us online here at Facebook Live at 11:00 for worship as we discuss “Refresh and Restart.

Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.”
• Today’s songs are “Blessed Assurance,” and “Spirit Song.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is, “Mark 1:29-39”.
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.
We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!