This week’s announcements March 7-13

This week’s announcements March 7-13

Announcements for March 7-13

  • Daylight Savings Time is this coming weekend: It’s the time of year to spring forward. Be sure to set the clocks ahead an hour on Saturday night or you’ll miss church in person.
  • Church Workday on Saturday, March 20, 1:00-4:00: come out for a time of fellowship as we work on various projects around the church building. Everyone will need to pass COVID screening and remain masked while inside. We’ll be packing our take-home Holy Week kits for those who are worshipping online. They will contain materials for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter worship. We also have work to do in the pantry and DFO (Do For Others) room. Email, message, or text the church so we have an idea how many folks will be coming.
  • Disciple I Bible Study: our first session is tonight. All are welcome to join this program that offers an extensive read of the Bible over the next few months. We gather online. If you’d like to join us, message or email the church.
  • Food Pantry: our ministry to those who need some food assistance is going well. Our current wish list is more cereals, pasta, and sauces. Thanks to Melissa and Paul for arranging a new connection that will get us a lot of fresh produce.
  • Holy Week Schedule (all services are online only except the Easter Service):
    • Maundy Thursday, April 1, 7:00 – All are welcome to share this powerful remembrance of all that happened that night like no other night.
    • Good Friday Community Ecumenical Service: 12:00 – 3:00 Pastors for churches in our neighborhood will be offering messages based on the last seven words of Christ. Pastor Scott will share the time of his message when it is finalized.
    • Good Friday, April 2, 7:00 – First Church will pause and remember that crucifixion of Jesus
    • Easter Sunrise Service, April 4, 7:00 AM – Wake up with us as we celebrate the news that changed the world.
    • Easter Service: April 4, 11:00 – join us as we celebrate the day of days and the Lord’s ultimate triumph.
  • Prayer Requests:
    • Jean, Lee, Rich, and Anita for healing
    • Joyce for a safe home for her family as well as physical and emotional healing
    • Steve’s birthday