Announcements: April 18-24
Food Pantry – Our ministry to help those in need of food, basic toiletries, and school supplies continues to thrive. The pantry currently needs cereals (please no overly sugary options), pasta, rice, and sauces. If you can donate some of these items this week, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a dropoff time.
We are also looking to expand pantry hours. We’d like to have some evening and weekend times to accommodate people who work during the day. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Scott directly.
Bible Study: This week our group is reading through different aspects of Old Testament law and covenants. These can be challenging to understand from a 21st-century American perspective. Join us to discover some unusual lessons about grace and our relationship with God. You don’t have to be completing the Disciple I curriculum to join our conversations. Anyone is welcome to listen and participate as they wish. We keep it real, and we have a really good time. We meet online every Wednesday at 7:00. If you’d like the link, please contact the church.
Easter Sermon Series: For the next six weeks we’ll be studying how to live more courageously and confidently because of our faith in Christ. This series is inspired by the book Courage: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith by Tom Berlin. If anyone is interested in purchasing the book and beginning a study, please contact Pastor Scott for more information.
Mothers’ Day Celebration: On May 9th we’ll be taking special time to honor all of the special women who have offered the deep and selfless love that nurtures us in our lives. If you’d like to honor a mother or mother-like figure in your life, please send the name and relationship, to the church. We’re planning a few ways to make the day special. Stay tuned for more information.
Pentecost Celebration: Pentecost, the day the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world, is May 23rd. In our church, we’ve welcomed new members and baptized people on Pentecost Sunday. We’re thrilled to hear from some who are already interested! If anyone else would like to explore getting baptized or wants to make First Church your church home, please contact Pastor Scott.
Prayer requests:
- Healing: Jean, Lee, Rich, Anita, Sandra, Provy, Walter, Charlotte
- One of our new friends, Bob, is asking for prayers for his mother who is dealing with some health concerns
- Special request for Rebekah and her parents Jon and Nettie
- Lorne and his ongoing struggle with his benefits.
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