Announcements for June 6-12

Announcements for June 6-12

Announcements for June 6 -June 12:

Joys and Concerns for Prayer: 

  • Healing: Jean, Lee, Anita, Beckett, Jon, Charlotte, Sung Jun Park
  • Friends affected by the fire at the senior complex, especially Harriet
  • Robin, asking for prayers for her son
  • Pat, prayers for her son and his family 
  • Joyce, father leaving hospital in hospice care
  • Prayers for more fruitfulness and more opportunities to live and share the love of Jesus as God calls us. 

Our brother in Christ, Rich Haug, went to be with the Lord this past Thursday. Rich was a longtime member of our church family. He was one of our worship leaders, served on our Leadership Team, and helped with our building maintenance for years. Please keep his wife Dorothea, his daughter Kristen, their family, and those who were close to him here in prayer as we celebrate his life and grieve his loss.  

Food Pantry: Thank you for supporting this ministry so generously! The pantry currently could use produce and bread. If you can donate some of these items this week, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a drop-off time. 


We also need volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Scott directly. 

We would like to get a refrigerator for the pantry to store some of the perishable goods. If anyone knows where we might find one, contact Pastor Scott. 

Bible Study: Our Bible study continues helping people discover new truths and get closer to God. You don’t have to be completing the Disciple I curriculum to join our conversations. Anyone is welcome to listen and participate as they wish. We keep it real, and we have a really good time. If you’d like the link, please contact the church. 

Grief Share: We will be starting a new cohort of our grief support ministry on Monday, July 19, at 7:00 PM. If you know someone who has recently lost someone and could use the support of a caring community, have them contact us. The new cohort will begin on July 15. 

Hearts and Hands: Hearts and Hands is a nonprofit community agency that seeks to assist people in the community by providing various types of assistance such as grocery shopping and rides to shop or medical appointments. More information is available at the following link: If you know anyone who might be interested in volunteering or could use the services, contact them directly. 

Adult Sunday School: We are looking for someone who would interested in helping lead our Adult Sunday School class. The curriculum would be provided for you, and you would share teaching duties with Paul. If you’d like more information, talk to Pastor Scott. 

Church Workday: We’ll be having another church workday to complete some of the projects around the church building on Saturday, June 12, from 10:00 to 2:00. If you can be there for any part of the time, come lend a hand as we continue to make ur space even more beautiful. 

Annual Conference: Our church is one of 850 that is connected through the Upper New York Annual Conference. All pastors and one layperson from every church will be meeting from June 17-19 to discuss the ministry we perform together in the world. Please be in prayer for our bishop and everyone who will be participating so that we discern and walk in God’s will.