Archive August 29, 2021

Worship with us this morning – August 29

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! It’s our Back to School Celebration Sunday. While elementary and high school students still have some time, many college students in the area are starting next week. Given the challenges that this academic year presents above and beyond the normal demands of learning, we want to offer a special time of prayer for all students, instructors, and staff who work and learn in school and college settings. Our message this week focuses on something Jesus said about children. In Mark 10:15, he says, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” What does it mean to receive the kingdom in this way? How does that affect how we live our lives? Join us this Sunday for “School’s Always In Session” to find out. Everyone who comes is welcome to receive free fully stocked backpacks or choose from among our pantry of school supplies! 

Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:

  • The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Lord, let us receive your love like little children.”
  • Today’s songs are “To God Be the Glory” and “Spirit Song.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
  •  The scripture reading is Mark 10:13-16.
  • Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
  • Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!


This Sunday is our Back to School Celebration! Everyone who comes is welcome to receive free fully stocked backpacks or choose from among our pantry of school supplies.

While elementary and high school students still have some time, many college students in the area are starting next week. Given the challenges that this academic year presents above and beyond the normal demands of learning, we want to offer a special time of prayer for all students, instructors, and staff who work and learn in school and college settings. Our message this week focuses on something Jesus said about children. In Mark 10:15, he says, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” What does it mean to receive the kingdom in this way? How does that affect how we live our lives? Join us this Sunday for “School’s Always In Session” to find out. 

Everyone who comes is welcome to receive free fully stocked backpacks or choose from among our pantry of school supplies! 

Worship with us today – August 15

Worship for August 15

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Most disciples of Jesus will tell someone that they will pray for them. As we pray for others, we seek good things for them with the best of intentions. This week we’re studying an example of Jesus praying for others. His prayer shows a powerful example of seeking Godly things for our siblings as opposed to prioritizing worldly things. When we look to how He prays, we can learn powerful lessons about advocating and interceding on behalf of others in prayer. Join us this week for “Teach Us to Pray: Part III – Praying for Others.”

Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Jesus pray for us; make us one with you.”

• Today’s songs are “Oh How I Love Jesus” and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is John 17:6-24.
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!

Announcements for this Week – August 8-14

Announcements for August 8-14:

Joys and Concerns for Prayer: 

  • Healing: Jean, Lee, Anita, Mia, Karl
  • Melissa and Bill are asking for prayers for their brother/son William.
  • Robin, Pat, Joyce all asking for prayer for family concerns
  • Deborah and Mae asking for prayers
  • Prayers for more fruitfulness and more opportunities to live and share the love of Jesus as God calls us. 

Thank you to everyone who made this year’s worship on the lawn and church cookout such a great day.  It all came together because of your contributions, and everyone deserves a huge thank you for all of the ways you helped. 

COVID Safety:  We’re all aware that the delta variant of COVID 19 is spreading rapidly across our nation and region. Erie County has been designated by the CDC as an area of Substantial Community Transmission. This is the second-highest level of concern using their metrics. Given this reality, the Leadership Team is recommending that people attending worship at First Church wear masks to reduce the likelihood of transmission. This is NOT a requirement or mandate to attend worship or events. Our hope is that we will model love for each other by doing what is within our power to help reduce the spread of the virus. Please note that if the county is designated an area of “High transmission,” the most serious level according to the CDC, the church will require masks in the building at all times. 

 Food Pantry: God continues to bless others because of your generosity! Pasta, pasta sauces, dish detergent, laundry detergent, and produce are the primary needs at this point. If you can donate some of these items this week, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a drop-off time. Please consider volunteering some time to help with deliveries if possible. 

Don’t forget – the church is looking for a refrigerator for the pantry to store some of the perishable goods. If anyone knows where we might find one, contact Pastor Scott. 

Bible Study: Our Bible study continues helping people discover new truths and get closer to God. This week our focus is the first part of the gospel of John. You don’t have to be completing the Disciple I curriculum to join our conversations. Anyone is welcome to listen and participate as they wish. We keep it real, and we have a great time. If you’d like the link, contact the church. 

Sunday Bible Study:  If you would like to join an interesting conversation about applying Jesus’ teachings and other Biblical principles to your life, this is the place for you. The book and coffee are provided. Just come on out on Sunday morning at 10:00. 

Mark Your Calendars: 

  • August 25 – Community Dinner
  • August 29 – Back to School Sunday
  • September 29 – Community Dinner
  • October 2 – Health Fair

Worship with us today – August 8

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! This is week two of our sermon series Teach Us to Pray. We’re studying how Jesus prayed as well as the lessons He taught us about prayer. This week we’re going to be focusing on some lessons from the Lord’s Prayer. The words of the Lord’s Prayer are familiar, iconic, and powerful. For many, the prayer embodies how they talk with God. Was that was Jesus wanted? Is that how he prayed himself? Join us this Sunday as we study the prayer Jesus taught us and what he hoped to accomplish with it.

Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “May our prayer join our hearts to yours, Lord. ”

• Today’s songs are “He Has Made Me Glad” and “Spirit of the Living God” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is Matthew 6:5-15
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!


This Week’s Announcements: August 1-7

Announcements for Aug. 1-7

Joys and Concerns for Prayer: 

  • Healing: Jean, Lee, Anita, 
  • Melissa and Bill are asking for prayers for their brother/son William.
  • Robin, Pat, Joyce all asking for prayer for family concerns
  • Deborah and Mae asking for prayers
  • Prayers of thanks for Mark and his team who helped us out as they worked on the house next door. 
  • Prayers for God’s leadership and intervention in the violence in our city and nation.
  • Prayers for more fruitfulness and more opportunities to live and share the love of Jesus as God calls us. 

August 8: Worship on the lawn and church picnic – After postponing because of the weather last week, we’re looking forward to our time worshipping outside on our front lawn this coming Sunday. I’ll update everyone on where we stand on Wednesday morning. It looks like folks have covered most details for the event, but there still may be other ways to serve. Immediately after service, we’ll have a time of fellowship and fun from 1:00 to 4:00. 

We’re looking for some more folks to arrive early on Sunday to help with setup. If you can get to the church at 9:30, it would be a huge help! 

Food Pantry: God continues to bless others because of your generosity! Cereals, pasta, and produce are the primary needs at this point. If you can donate some of these items this week, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a drop-off time. Please consider volunteering some time to help with deliveries if possible. 


The church is looking for a refrigerator for the pantry to store some of the perishable goods. If anyone knows where we might find one, contact Pastor Scott. 

Bible Study: Our Bible study continues helping people discover new truths and get closer to God. This week our focus is the gospel of Luke. We’ll be studying the idea of how Jesus goes to those who the least and the lost in the world. You don’t have to be completing the Disciple I curriculum to join our conversations. Anyone is welcome to listen and participate as they wish. We keep it real, and we have a great time. If you’d like the link, contact the church. 

Adult Sunday School:  If you would like to join an interesting conversation about applying Jesus’ teachings and other Biblical principles to your life, this is the place for you. The book and coffee are provided. Just come on out.  

Mark Your Calendars: 

  • August 8 – Worship on the lawn; church cookout
  • August 25 – Community Dinner
  • August 29 – Back to School Sunday
  • September 29 – Community Dinner
  • October 2 – Health Fair


Worship with us this morning – August 1

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Communication is a critical part of any relationship. It’s difficult to believe that people have established meaningful relationships if they don’t communicate regularly. No matter how long we’ve walked with Christ, we can still strengthen our prayer life. For the next four weeks, we’re going to be exploring prayer. We are going to learn from the best possible example, Jesus. How did Jesus pray? What can we learn from Jesus’ example of prayer that can help us grow as disciples and get closer in our relationship with God? This week our focus is on what Jesus said about prayer. If you’ve ever wondered how to enrich your prayer life, take this journey with us. Join us this Sunday for Teach Us to Pray – Part One.

Here is some information to help you participate in worship online:
The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Lord, teach us to pray so that we can walk in your will.”
• Today’s songs are “This Is The Day” and “In the Garden” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
• The scripture reading is Luke 11:1-13.
• Please leave a prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
• Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!