Announcements for August 8-14:
Joys and Concerns for Prayer:
- Healing: Jean, Lee, Anita, Mia, Karl
- Melissa and Bill are asking for prayers for their brother/son William.
- Robin, Pat, Joyce all asking for prayer for family concerns
- Deborah and Mae asking for prayers
- Prayers for more fruitfulness and more opportunities to live and share the love of Jesus as God calls us.
Thank you to everyone who made this year’s worship on the lawn and church cookout such a great day. It all came together because of your contributions, and everyone deserves a huge thank you for all of the ways you helped.
COVID Safety: We’re all aware that the delta variant of COVID 19 is spreading rapidly across our nation and region. Erie County has been designated by the CDC as an area of Substantial Community Transmission. This is the second-highest level of concern using their metrics. Given this reality, the Leadership Team is recommending that people attending worship at First Church wear masks to reduce the likelihood of transmission. This is NOT a requirement or mandate to attend worship or events. Our hope is that we will model love for each other by doing what is within our power to help reduce the spread of the virus. Please note that if the county is designated an area of “High transmission,” the most serious level according to the CDC, the church will require masks in the building at all times.
Food Pantry: God continues to bless others because of your generosity! Pasta, pasta sauces, dish detergent, laundry detergent, and produce are the primary needs at this point. If you can donate some of these items this week, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a drop-off time. Please consider volunteering some time to help with deliveries if possible.
Don’t forget – the church is looking for a refrigerator for the pantry to store some of the perishable goods. If anyone knows where we might find one, contact Pastor Scott.
Bible Study: Our Bible study continues helping people discover new truths and get closer to God. This week our focus is the first part of the gospel of John. You don’t have to be completing the Disciple I curriculum to join our conversations. Anyone is welcome to listen and participate as they wish. We keep it real, and we have a great time. If you’d like the link, contact the church.
Sunday Bible Study: If you would like to join an interesting conversation about applying Jesus’ teachings and other Biblical principles to your life, this is the place for you. The book and coffee are provided. Just come on out on Sunday morning at 10:00.
Mark Your Calendars:
- August 25 – Community Dinner
- August 29 – Back to School Sunday
- September 29 – Community Dinner
- October 2 – Health Fair
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