Announcements for October 10-16
Joys and Concerns for Prayer:
- Healing: Jean, Lee, Anita, Ken
- Lorne prayers for family health concerns
- Prayers of thanks for Charlotte’s and William’s progress
- Mae asking for prayers for her youth program and personal matters
- Prayers for more fruitfulness and more opportunities to live and share the love of Jesus as God calls us.
Our next community dinner will be on October 27th. It will be a pancake supper. We will have a sign-up sheet available this week after service for folks to understand what’s needed and what tasks still need to be filled.
Food Pantry: God continues to bless others because of your generosity! Fresh produce, pasta, flour, oil, dish detergent, laundry detergent, and produce are the primary needs at this point. If you can donate some of these items this week, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a drop-off time. Please consider volunteering some time to help with deliveries if possible.
Please consider driving for Food Pantry deliveries. It would help greatly to have more members of our church make the deliveries. If you can give 30 minutes to this task, it would help. It could be Sunday as you go home after church or as soon as you leave pantry volunteer time. We can accommodate any time you like. Please prayerfully consider if this can be a way that you serve God.
Trunk or Treat: First Church will be having a Trunk or Treat in our parking lot on Halloween night! Stop by the church parking lot while you’re out trick or treating for more incredible Halloween candy and fun! If you’re interested in using a parking space or having a table, contact Pastor Scott.
Surviving the Holidays – November 18 at 7:00 PM. Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death. You’ll learn:
- How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
- What to do about traditions and other coming changes
- Helpful tips for surviving social events
- How to discover hope for your future
Wednesday Bible Study: Our Bible study continues helping people discover new truths and get closer to God. This week our focus is the letters of Peter. You don’t have to be completing the Disciple I curriculum to join our conversations. Anyone is welcome to listen and participate as they wish. We keep it real, and we have a great time. If you’d like the link, contact the church.
Sunday Bible Study: If you would like to join an interesting conversation about applying Jesus’ teachings and other Biblical principles to your life, this is the place for you. The book and coffee are provided. Just come on out on Sunday morning at 10:00.
Mark Your Calendars:
- October 27 – Community Dinner – 6:00 – 8:00 PM
- October 31 – Trunk or Treat – 7:00 PM or trick or treat times in the city
- November 18 Surviving the Holidays – 7:00 PM
- November 21 Thanksgiving Celebration – 1:00 PM