Here are this week’s announcements:
Joys and Concerns for Prayer:
- Healing: Dick, Ken, Lucy, Corey R., Margaret, Gary, Melissa’s mom,
- Provy’s brother having surgery for cancer.
- Personal challenges: Lorne, Merlene
- Diana asked for prayer for Aaron’s day program.
- The situation at McKinley High School and rising violence in our city and nation
- The imminent threat of war in Ukraine
- The divisions we face as a nation
- Prayers for more fruitfulness and more opportunities to live and share the love of Jesus as God calls us.
- Food Pantry: God continues to bless others because of your generosity!
- Needs this week: Soups, flour, and oil are the primary needs this week. If you can donate some of these items, you can bring them during regular pantry hours or contact the church to arrange a drop-off time.
- Don’t forget the new pantry hours: Instead of Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00, the new hours will be Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00
- Consider driving for deliveries. We need more people to share this work. Please consider whether you might be able to give 15-20 minutes after service or any time that’s convenient for you.
- Bible Study: – Starting a study of Mary Magdalene. People will be able to join us in person at church or online starting this Wednesday at 7:00.
- Sunday Bible Study: If you would like to join an interesting conversation about applying Jesus’ teachings and other Biblical principles to your life, this is the place for you. The book and coffee are provided. Just come on out on Sunday morning at 10:00.
- Community Dinner will be on February 23rd at 6:00 PM.
- Thanks to everyone who came out to paint the Fellowship Hall yesterday. We appreciate your effort and generosity.
Mark Your Calendars:
- February 23 at 6:00 PM – Monthly Community Dinner
- March 2 at 6:00 PM – Ash Wednesday Service
- March 19 – 12:00 PM – Spring Community Health Fair
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