Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Many of us have been affected by the terrorist attack in our city last week. People of Color have lived with white terrorist violence throughout history, yet impossible to have this happen so close to our homes without it impacting us. Disciples of Jesus are promised the peace that surpasses all understanding. Most of us have struggled to know and experience that peace this week. How are we to know and trust God’s piece given what’s happened? Is there a way to wrestle with doubts and fears honestly without feeling like a bad Christian? This week, we continue our sermon series We Are Witnesses. What will be our witness after this act of racist hatred? How do we address clearly troubled hearts? Join us this Sunday as we explore the idea of Not as the World Gives.
We’ll be live on Facebook at 11:00, or you can watch at any time on Facebook or Youtube.
Here is some information to help you participate if you’re joining us online:
- The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Prevail upon us today, O God!”
- Today’s songs are “Holy, Holy, Holy” and “Spirit Song” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
- The scripture reading is John 14:23-29.
- Please let us know how God is moving in your life. You can leave a celebration and/or prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
- Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.
We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!
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