Worship Today – September 25

Worship Today – September 25

I See It

There are few things worse than realizing you made the wrong choice. It happens to all of us. The hard part can be recognizing the chances we missed opportunities to make a better choice. This morning, we’re going to look at a story in the Bible that reminds us of the importance of listening to those warnings and signs that can keep us from the bad choices. Let’s learn how to recognize it when “I See It.”

Click here to watch. We’ll be live on Facebook at 11:00, or you can watch at any time on Facebook or Youtube.  

Here is some information to help you participate if you’re joining us online:

  • The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “We gather this morning as those who trust God.”
  • Today’s songs are “Be Thou My Vision” and “Seek Ye First.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
  •  The Bible reading is Luke 16:19-31. 
  • Please let us know how God is moving in your life. You can leave a celebration and/or prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
  • Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!