Join us for worship – October 2

Join us for worship – October 2

 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Have you ever been on a team where someone wasn’t doing their part? We know that team doesn’t do its job well, and most people end up resenting the person. How do we deal with that challenge in ways that reflect the ways of Jesus? It’s easy to be judgmental and harsh. Is that the most loving thing to do? This morning, we’re going to listen to some teachings from Jesus that reflect a standard of holiness. These expectations seem impossible sometimes, but together we can learn how to appreciate that “The Standard Is the Standard.” 

We’ll be live on Facebook at 11:00, or you can watch at any time on Facebook or Youtube.  

Here is some information to help you participate if you’re joining us online:

  • The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Let us praise God in all our ways forever.”
  • Today’s songs are “He Has Made Me Glad” and “Glorify Thy Name.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
  •  The Bible reading is Luke 17:1-10. 
  • Please let us know how God is moving in your life. You can leave a celebration and/or prayer request in the comment section so that we can celebrate God’s kindness and discern God’s will with you.
  • Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s day, everyone!