This week’s announcements – October 23

This week’s announcements – October 23

Announcements for October 23-30:

Joys and Concerns for Prayer: 

  • Personal Needs: Our friend Cindy who needs help with a personal situation
  • Medical Healing:
    • Tony, facing a serious health challenge
    • Margaret, still struggling but doing better
    • Corey Rounds
  • New Friends:
    • Will, Patrick, Scott, Michael, Helen, Ripa, Ruby
  • Prayers of thanks for a successful and fruitful annual conference session.
  • Faithfulness and Fruitfulness in our ministries



  • Our annual charge conference will be Wednesday, December 7 at 6:00 PM. We will be presenting our annual reports to the district at this time. All members of the church are invited to attend.
  • Please Give to the Buffalo 10 Scholarship: During our recent annual conference session, United Methodists across Upper New York agreed to create a scholarship to support someone from the area surrounding the Jefferson Avenue Tops. We are asking everyone to donate to the scholarship as they are able. Go the conference website at this link: to donate.
  • Food Pantry: Thank you to everyone for responding to our call for donations.
    • Needs this week: Eggs, flour, oil, fresh produce, toiletries, paper products

  • Clara’s Closet needs coats. Our sister church in the Parkside neighborhood, Central Park UMC, has a need for coats at their clothing store. If you have a coat to donate, please bring it to church, and we will get it to Clara’s.
  • Mark Your Calendars for these important dates:
    • Community Dinners: October 12 and 28
      • October 28 – Soup and Sandwiches
        • We have soups and sandwiches covered. We could use salad and desserts.
      • November 9 – Pancake supper. Look for information on the announcement in the next few weeks.
    • Community Thanksgiving Celebration: November 20