Archive February 25, 2024

Worship with us today – February 25

A lot of life turns out to be harder than we think. But when we face these difficulties, how will we respond? Everyone who follows Jesus inevitably discovers something about following Him that is different and more difficult than expected. Will we turn away? It’s curious how we can learn the importance of resilience in other areas of life, yet struggle to apply it to our faith journey. Jesus is worth the effort. This week we’ll discover that even Jesus’ first disciples had to learn this lesson. What they discovered will help us, too. 

We’ll be live on Facebook Sunday at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. 

Here is some information to help you participate if you’re joining us online:

  • The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “The promise rests on grace.”
  • The songs are “My Hope Is Built” and “Lord of the Dance.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
  •  The Bible readings are Mark 8:31-38.
  • Share a prayer request in the comments. It can be praise for God doing something good in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God move in a particular way. Please let us know how God is moving in your life. 
  • Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s Day, everyone!

Join Us for Ash Wednesday Services

Join us TONIGHT at 7:30 for Ash Wednesday Service.

The holy season of Lent is upon us. Lent represents the forty days of preparation between now and the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. Historically, people who were preparing to be baptized went through lessons during the Lenten season. Now, people also use it as a time of personal sacrifice and learning so that they might live and love more like Jesus.  Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this special season. The imposition of the ashes reminds us of our mortality and our need for God’s help as we enter the holy time. Join us to learn more about this season and explore your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Having trouble seeing God in your life?

Are you a grounded person who appreciates facts and realism? While these are admirable qualities, it can be challenging to remain open to the movements of God if we limit ourselves to earthly perspectives. God’s ways are beyond human understanding. Today, we’re exploring how to broaden our minds to the movements of God that make us say, “Now I See.” 

click here for video We’ll be live on Facebook at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. 

Here is some information to help you participate if you’re joining us online:

  • The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Please help us listen to you.”
  • The songs are “Holy, Holy, Holy” and “Shine Jesus Shine.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
  •  The Bible readings are Mark 9:2-8. 
  • Share a prayer request in the comments. It can be praise for God doing something good in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God move in a particular way. Please let us know how God is moving in your life. 
  • Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s Day, everyone!

Do you want to get well?

No one wants to be sick. If you’ve ever been sick, it teaches you the value of being healthy. Would you like to be well in heart, mind, and spirit, too? There’s someone who can help with that. Join us this morning to explore what it means to receive “A Clean Bill of Health” Jesus’ way. 

Click here for video. We’ll be live on Facebook at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. 

Here is some information to help you participate if you’re joining us online:

  • The response to our interactive opening prayer is, “Praise the One who gathers us here.”
  • The songs are “O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing” and “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.” Look up the words online, and you can sing along.
  •  The Bible readings are Psalm 147:1-11 and Mark 1:29-39. 
  • Share a prayer request in the comments. It can be praise for God doing something good in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God move in a particular way. Please let us know how God is moving in your life. 
  • Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re looking forward to worshipping with you. Have a blessed Lord’s Day, everyone!