Worship with us today – December 29

Worship with us today – December 29

Worship is a necessary and powerful part of the life of a disciple. Too often, we assume that worship is reserved for a specific hour of the week at a particular place. For many, worship is also a box to be checked rather than about someone to be loved. Today, we may have arrived at Bethlehem, and the waiting feels over. However, many were still waiting even though Jesus had already been born. We encounter two such people in our scripture today. They show us the power of faithful worship as we wait and as God keeps His promises.

We’ll be live on Facebook on Sunday at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. 

Here is some information to help you participate if you join us online:

  • Our opening prayer is interactive. This prayer is a moment for us to affirm our faith collectively. Respond, “We come to make our home with God who makes a home among us.”
  • The songs are “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “Joy to the World.” You can look up the words online and sing along.
  • The Bible reading is Luke 2:22-38.
  • We invite you to share your prayer requests in the comments. Whether it’s a moment of praise for God’s goodness in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God’s intervention, we want to hear from you. Your sharing is a testament to how God moves in our lives. Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re anticipating this time of worship with you. Get ready for a blessed Lord’s Day Everyone!