Archive January 19, 2025

Think God isn’t hearing you? Let us show you that God is

Have you heard the saying, “there are no atheists in foxholes”? It suggests that during crises, even the least faithful call out to God. For those of us who follow Christ, we find comfort in knowing He loves us not just in pivotal moments, but always. Like a true friend who is present in both crises and everyday life, Jesus is with us every day, showing His constant care and love.

We’ll be live on Facebook on Sunday at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. Click here for video

 Here is some information to help you participate if you join us online:

  • Our opening prayer is interactive. This prayer is a moment for us to affirm our faith collectively. Respond, “In the familiar and unfamiliar, God is here with us.”
  • The songs are “Be Thou My Vision” and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” You can look up the words online and sing along.
  • The Bible reading is John 2:1-11.
  • We invite you to share your prayer requests in the comments. Whether it’s a moment of praise for God’s goodness in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God’s intervention, we want to hear from you. Your sharing is a testament to how God moves in our lives. Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re anticipating this time of worship with you. Get ready for a blessed Lord’s Day Everyone!

Worship with us today – January 12

Everyone has things they love to share. Everyone has things they like to keep private. Which of those describes how you feel about your faith? Many followers of Jesus can be surprisingly quiet about what they believe. Today, we learn a lesson from Jesus about living your faith out loud. It can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential. Today, we’ll talk about letting our love speak louder than our fears.

We’ll be live on Facebook on Sunday at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. 

 Here is some information to help you participate if you join us online:

  • Our opening prayer is interactive. This prayer is a moment for us to affirm our faith collectively. Respond, “I will be with you.”
  • The songs are “Lord I LIft Yor Name on High” and “Wash O God Our Sons and Daughters.” You can look up the words online and sing along.
  • The Bible reading is Luke 3:15-22.
  • We invite you to share your prayer requests in the comments. Whether it’s a moment of praise for God’s goodness in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God’s intervention, we want to hear from you. Your sharing is a testament to how God moves in our lives. Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re anticipating this time of worship with you. Get ready for a blessed Lord’s Day Everyone!

Are you back yet? Learn an important lesson about the Christmas season

As we begin a new year, we often take stock of our lives and spend time in contemplation and discernment. This continuing story of the birth of Christ also involves inquiry. Three wise “seekers” visited the newborn Christ, guided by a new star they had noticed. On this last day of our series, we ask ourselves, what are we seeking? Where is our attention focused? What new stars may be calling to us? Will we go back into routines of life, or will we take this moment to understand more deeply how we can “return anew?”

We’ll be live on Facebook on Sunday at 11:00, or you can watch any time on Facebook or YouTube. 

 Here is some information to help you participate if you join us online:

  • Our opening prayer is interactive. This prayer is a moment for us to affirm our faith collectively. Respond, “We have been changed on this journey.”
  • The songs are “We Three Kings” and “The First Noel.” You can look up the words online and sing along.
  • The Bible reading is Matthew 2:1-12.
  • We invite you to share your prayer requests in the comments. Whether it’s a moment of praise for God’s goodness in your life or a challenge where you hope to see God’s intervention, we want to hear from you. Your sharing is a testament to how God moves in our lives. Share an offering in our app in Givelify or send a check to the church.

We’re anticipating this time of worship with you. Get ready for a blessed Lord’s Day Everyone!