Thank you for visiting our website and considering visiting our church. Some information to help you prepare for your visit is below.
What time is the worship service? We worship every Sunday at 11:00. There is a free breakfast at 9:30 and Sunday School for all ages at 10:00.
How should I dress? We’re a casual church. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Most folks wear khakis or jeans.
What’s the church’s address? 332 Baynes Street. The church is at the corner of Baynes Street and Potomac Avenue on the city’s West Side, near Buffalo State, the Hotel Henry, and the Buffalo Psychiatric Center.
Where can I park? The church has a parking lot off Potomac Avenue. There is also street parking around the Building.
Is there childcare? Parents are welcome to keep their kids with them in worship or let them play in the children’s area. It’s right next to the sanctuary so you can be close to them.
How will I be able to follow the service? The entire service is projected on a large screen. Everyone can follow the song lyrics, prayers, and other parts of worship. The bulletin also provides directions.
What if I have other questions? You can contact the church by any of the ways below:
Phone: (716) 444-9320
Facebook: First United Methodist Church of Buffalo
Twitter: @FirstUMCBuffalo