Here are the announcements from last Sunday’s bulletin:
- Disaster relief is our September mission focus. We have set a goal of 20 Cleaning Kits for our annual conference. A list of what’s needed to assemble a cleaning kit is available here. If possible, please donate some of these items, or assemble a kit on your own and bring it to church.
- Thank you to all who took part in our Back to School Celebration! We have a few backpacks and supplies left if anyone knows someone in need. If no one claims them, we will donate them to Niagara Frontier City Ministries so that they can be distributed to sister congregations in the city.
- We have had people use the food pantry in recent weeks, and we need to restock some items. Please bring some canned or boxed foods so that we can continue to assist those with a need. While we have not finished our pantry space, there is plenty of food available for those who need it now. Items can be dropped at the church Wednesday and Fridays from 6:00 to 8:30 or Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 1:00,
- Game Night returns this coming Friday on September 13th! Share the information cards to distribute to young people in your life next week. Game Night runs every Friday from 6:30-8:30.